Gaztaroa Sartu koop

- Reception. Customized inclusion itinerary, support and an increase in personal motivation.
- Individual socio-educational intervention, with people involved in situations lacking protection, of self-neglect and of social exclusion.
- Socio-educational group intervention. Group actions for acquiring personal habits and skills.
- Social participation and volunteering. Promotion of social skills for individuals: social volunteering, time banking, exchange points.
- Training
- Pre-job training, prior to qualified training.
- Technical-professional training for employment, which is often complemented by company practicals.
- Employment Guidance
- Specialized counselling for groups in difficulty.
- Targeting the general population.
- Employment Centre.
- Access to employment
- Employment mediation. Positive discrimination towards people who are in a situation of exclusion.
- Support for entrepreneurship.
- Training and employment programs.
- Social and Solidarity Economy.
- Promotion of insertion companies and companies who maintain insertion posts in companies.
- Promotion dynamization processes and community development.
- Participation in networks.
- Participation in groups at local, neighbourhood level.
Gaztaroa_Sartu are an associated and non-profit making employment cooperative, focused on the promotion and development of activities and services aimed at achieving full social inclusion of individuals and / or groups in situations of dependency, lack of protection, disability, poverty and social exclusion, or vulnerable to them.
Since 1986, we have been working in the Historical Territory of Bizkaia, working with both individuals and the community, promoting the necessary changes to reduce or eliminate situations of social exclusion. To this end, we try to combine intervention strategies aimed at the inclusion of individuals, with others intervening in their environment, aimed at provoking structural changes in social environments that favour the existence of exclusion situations.
We place our actions within the social intervention sector, we understand it as an additional public service in the network of community services for social support, which we intend to serve as a complement and support, in a spirit of collaboration and cooperation.
We participate, along with other social entities in networks and Foundations such as: REAS (alternative, solidarity economy network), EAPN (Network to fight against poverty and exclusion), GIZATEA (association of insertion companies), UNAD (Union of associations for the aid of the drug dependent), Zerbikas Foundation (learning and solidarity service) and Fundación Aldauri, for the rehabilitation of Bilbao la Vieja, San Francisco and Zabala.
GaztaroaSartu is the promoter of two Insertion Companies: Keimaanimazioa (entertainment, leisure and free time activities) and Sokaire (cleaning services), which give work to 24 people, 15 of which are from insertion actions.
We have been declared as a social interest entity and have been recognised by Emakunde, as an entity collaborating in equal opportunities between women and men. Likewise, we carry out annual economic audits and projects, a social audit with REAS and a compliance audit regarding the Organic Law on Data Protection (LOPD).