Social Entities
AgiantzaSomos una ONG si ánimo de lucro que venimos funcionando en Euskadi desde 1.991, cuando formamos un piso de acogida de varones drogodependientes.
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Zabaltzen SartuSartu Zabaltzen somos una asociación privada sin ánimo de lucro que operamos en el sector de los servicios sociales con el objetivo de luchar por la inclusión...
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Cáritas Bizkaia
Caritas is an international confederation arising from the social doctrine of the Church and focusing on the dignity of individuals. Its objectives are the...
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ErroakThe Association for Social Reintegration ERROAK was created in July 1988 with the aim of facilitating social incorporation for individuals through orientation,...
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Peñascal Kooperatiba
Peñascal KooperatibaCurrently we have over 150 members of staff, of which about 60 are working partners, we are involved in eight training centres in Bizkaia, Gipuzkoa and Navarra...
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Gaztaroa Sartu koop
Gaztaroa Sartu koopGaztaroa_Sartu are an associated and non-profit making employment cooperative, focused on the promotion and development of activities and services aimed at...
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Sartu Álava
Sartu ÁlavaSartu Alava is a private non profit association that operates in the social services sector and with the aim of combating marginalization and social exclusion....
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