Project Aims

Specific objectives:

  1. Developing Pre-employment and Socio-educational and training as well as Social support to those people furthest from the labour market, as a basis for their socio-labour insertion itinerary, reinforcing coordination between employment services, social services and other social protection systems.
  2. Develop Employment Training actions adapted to the needs of the labour market and those at risk of poverty or social exclusion, promoting their socio-labour insertion through the social and solidarity economy and ordinary employment.
  3. Promote actions to support the Personal and Collective Empowerment of women in situations of exclusion or at risk of it that facilitate their participation in economic activity, the labour market and employment in accordance with the 6th Equality Plan in the Basque Country.
  4. Promote Programs of Access to Employment and Entrepreneurship for people in situations of exclusion or at risk of it.
  5. Support the creation and maintenance of social integration and solidarity enterprises, especially in those areas where new employment opportunities arise for the less qualified at risk of exclusion.

Horizontal Objectives:

  1. Promote employment and social inclusion, through the improvement of employability and the insertion in employment of people in situations of social exclusion or at risk of it, from the perspective of the principle of equal opportunities and the approach of active inclusion.
  2. Develop and strengthen Entrepreneurship and Social Innovation, the Social Economy and the Third Sector, as key factors for the provision of innovative services and for the inclusion and social and labour insertion of people in situations of social exclusion or at risk of it.
  3. Adaptation of the necessary skills and qualifications, improvement of professional skills and creation and development of companies in sectors related to the environment: Green employment.

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